study program

Today I am going to talk about my study program
I am studying food engineering and I am in the fifth year of my career but when I was in first grade I did not know much about my career there were only common science theorists that did not have much to do with the career, I feel that it demotivates a lot of people in their beginning because they can not know if they really like what they are studying. They only know it in the third year when they have subjects of their degree and at that moment it may be too late to leave.
I think that there should be subjects that show what the career  is about in the beginning and more practical subjects to better understand what it is going to end up doing in the future and that the career has fewer subjects which do not contribute anything.
I also think that our faculty is too small for the number of people how study in the faculty , there are not many spaces with a roof in winter there is no space for lunch, so there are people who prefer not to go to faculty. We also do not have a cafeteria and the library is very small, there are not many places where you can study at ease.
I hope in the future these problems can be improved


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